TRAINING & CERTIFICATION Manpower RI ----------- .... collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry in Yogyakarta , 14 to 26 April 2014 TRAINING LOCATION CHEMICAL EXPERT K3 Primasindo Learning....
PRIMASINDO CONSULTING INCORPORATION " Credible, .... instructors in their field. Located in the city of Yogyakarta we offer an atmosphere of human resource development and the warmth of Yogyakarta.....
This souvenir is made from brass, used to place a business card that looks exclusive and elegant decorate your office desk. And with the puppet motif attached to the culture of Indonesia is a souvenir shop wooden handicrafts from Yogyakarta Indonesia. We sell souvenirs typical souvenirs Indonesia Yogyakarta craftsman-made. Craft products that we sell can be used as: ....
We sell a variety of homemade musical instruments handycrafts miniature Yogyakarta Indonesia. we can serve retail and wholesale purchase with our best price. Exclusive Miniature Guitar with cheap....
We sell a variety of homemade musical instruments handycrafts miniature Yogyakarta Indonesia. we can serve retail and wholesale purchase with our best price. - 085786585558....
Stop BUY PULSE ! ! ! Now the technology is very .... Gigapulsa , Jl Imogiri Km 7 Grojogan Wirokerten Yogyakarta 55 194 Call center : 0274 6806818 , 0274 9162454 � � � Or transfer to the following....
With a complete concept we are here to provide cheap credit business opportunities all GSM & CDMA operators, DEALER chip card transactions and prime with a system that is very easy and profitable. ....
Assalamualaikum wr.wb Excuse me - agan agan .... 34 on behalf Kisdanni . Come COD in the street Yogyakarta ancer2 4.5 Parangtritis km from TVC Mahardhika hospital . Anyway, if you already know....
Business in chrome cow leather bag with high quality and classy. All materials and accessory bags are highly qualified and highly rely kualita than quantity. Blending fashion ladies handbags with....
In This Tour Package, we will bring you to the most spectacular Ramayana ballet performance in Yogyakarta, in open theater ( during May until October) at the complex of Prambanan temple. This....
Kresna Tour provide various Tour Jogja Package visiting many interesting place in Jogjakarta and surounding areas with friendly price. Especially Borobudur Tour and Prambanan. Our Tour service had....
LAUNDRY perfume-INDONESIA available various kinds of perfume and laundry detergent liquid bulk at cheap prices and quality assurance, full info can call: 0812 1564 1029
LAUNDRY-PRODUCTS-ONLINE INDONESIA WE ARE THE .... parfumlaundry Singapore - Jakarta - Bandung - Yogyakarta - Bali - Semarang - Malang - Medan - Pekanbaru - Pinelands - Sandton - Pontianak -....
Honey Child Habbafit Price : Rp 15.000 , - .... Address : 102 Jln Bakri , Condongcatur , Sleman , Yogyakarta . West Police DIY - Rear BTN . Email : winherba@ CHILD HEALTHY , ....
Winherba is one herb shop in Jogja of the many .... Jalan Bakri, Sanggrahan, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.....
Natural original bamboo slimming suit , corset .... BODY " Payment Method : Pay in place ( for the Yogyakarta region ) / Bank transfer ( T / T ) Pack the unit - Price low ecer : rp . 80.000 ....
Selling medical devices , selling slimming .... FLASHLIGHT POLICE - PEN QURAN - KITCHEN EQUIPMENT - YOGYAKARTA Head Office : CHEAP WHOLESALE BERKAH Name : Bp . Nanang Yusuf Mobile Number : ....
Excellent : - Filtering the water to detect .... Sushantco Indonesia Head Office: Monjali Road No. 251, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. tel: [ 0274] 6411333 contact person: 0857 4066 0666, [ 0274] 912....
TOP OF MIND SIMPLY FRESH LAUNDRY As a company .... Fresh Laundry is a business unit that pioneered in Yogyakarta in February 2006 by Agung Nugroho Susanto. His interest in the business world makes....
We offer Leather Jacket Racing / Sport / Casual .... Jalan Raden Ronggo Prenggan 982/ KG II, Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. Map location: Karang Square to the south of about 300 m. Orders from outside....
We are a small company based handicraft industry .... Jalan Raden Ronggo Prenggan 982/ KG II, Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. Ancer-ancer: Karang Square to the south of about 300 m. Orders from outside....
Success in life is everyone' s dream , is a form .... Head Office : No.251 Monjali Street , Sleman , Yogyakarta , Indonesia . 55284 T. ( + 62 274) 6411 333 , F. ( + 62 274) 6411322 Contact Person....
Simply Fresh Laundry is a business unit that pioneered in Yogyakarta in February 2006 by Agung Nugroho Susanto. His interest in the business world makes earnest into this business. With a....
Sego spice kebuli / fried rice kebuli innovation from Yogyakarta, many who love because of the time-tested.
Drumband palace is a home-based manufacturer that .... soft patch Rt 01 No. 02 Rear Iron Stores Prasetyo Yogyakarta Tel: 0821 67000077 0878 67000077....
Drumband palace is a complete home-based bands .... Dusun Jeblok Rt 01 No 02 Belakang Toko Besi Prasetyo Yogyakarta Tlp: 0821 67000077 0878 67000077....