Sell Candle holder round, carved tawon. Material Mahogany with size 20 x 22 x 22.Different size are available.
Javacentries Trading, exporter and manufacturer produce and export manykinds of wooden and stone craft, buddha statue and also supply furniture with high quality export product. We supply all buyer....
Dear Everybody, We are now is in ready and urgent position. We have buyers in hand that are ready to sign the contract immediately. But we are less in suppliers. We need to resourcing new reliable....
Have many variety and sizes such as : Rachinee, Arabicum, Obesum, Socotranum, Black Giant, Black Boy, Black Knight, Petit Green, Yaman.
Kami menyediakan berbagai tanaman hias baik impor maupun lokal seperti : Adenium, Alokasia, Phylo, Calladium, Aglonema, Antorium, Biji dan bibit adenium dengan berbagai macam ukuran.
Moslem wear with soft fabric, limited product, long tunic along with trousers
We provide woman moslem wear and accesories, with best quality and reasonable price
Lenght. 26 Width. 14 Height. 7 ( cm) box tissue made by coconut tree, paper.
We are an exporter of Handicraft and Homewares. We have a huge collection of Aromatheraphy, Accesorries, bag, shoes, Stoneware, Bronze/ Silverware . Having inquary - contact us : onyit_ kiyut@
We are producing full customize drum and cymbal hardcase based on your need. Quantity and difficulty is subject of price negotiation. For further information call Mr. Didit Listya on + 6227447143 or....
we are home based business that producing any kind of music instrument custom case in indonesia. we are searching for serious buyer from indonesia or foreign country for our product. For this time we....
Magenta and Interior team Work Completly ready to service your Interior needs, By Consulting and Produce All Interior Item for your House, Office, Commercial, etc. We can acomodir your imagination to....
Provide domain and hosting, web design, software for hospital, Geographic Information, Digital Library, etc.
PeMad provides translation and interpreting services in Indonesian, English, Malay, Japanese, Arabic, and Tetum. Our charge is based on word count ( words of the source text) . Therefore, you can make....
P� � Mad is an Indonesian translation company based in Jogjakarta working under an Indonesian NGO called Yayasan Suara Bhakti ( YSB) or � � � Voice of Dedication Foundation� � � . Our translators are language....
Taylor made Software Plastic Card such as ID Card, Member Card, ATM Card, Discount Card, etc
Card Manufacturer e.g: ID Card, Member Card, etc Software House Reseller Computer Networking ( Intranet or Internet )
Founded in 2002, Petelinux is the premier Linux and open source provider. The most recognized Linux brand in Indonesia. We serve global enterprises through technology and services made possible by....
interior design and contract. it' s about lifestyle, it' s about comfort
interior design, space planning, custom-designed furniture, contract works. We made furniture for office, commercial space, hotels, hospitals and home.
honey is goog for your health fzsdfvfdgafgv fgzagfgfsdg fsdagsd adfgasd sdfa
scientific islamic healing.we preserve the healing from muhammad the prophet, that can explained with medical science.the owner is medical practitioner from dentistry
we are general trading export import which ready to supplai your order
Research, information service, Marketing service and management. If your company need some information about business or others, we can help you. we know about Yogyakarta and also Indonesia, about....
Riset, Jasa Infomasi, Manajemen dan Jasa Jemasaran Perusahaan Jasa Riset, Pencarian Informasi tentang bisnis, property, pendidikan, seni, kerajinan, Teknologi Informasi, Sistem Informasi Geografi, ....