Black Horse was coming from The Philipnes, it has ablack character, good condition
Sale for all antiq & uniq from java, lather puppet, meuble, gamelan, joglo, keris, painting, etc
This leather puppet have 215 pcs, good condition, collector item
Red Dragon is one of the most wanted anthurium, because its colour character is dark red and black
Black Pearl, good condition, will be an expensive anthurium
Amazing Jenmanii Cobra, the most wanted anthurium and an expensive one
Anthurium Black Marry is one of the best anthurium also the most wanted
Very wonderful black selvet anthurium and the most wanted item... the famous one
Jenmanii Supernova, is one of the very big of Anthurium Jenmani Species, the most wanted item
this Jenmani dragon skin is very beautiful anthurium, it is also grow up cristata, with 4 orientation
Rebab ( made from ivory) is like violin for gamelan orchestra instrument from java