This product is salaka jam. The firts and only one in Indonesia. Tha taste is very dellicious. Please try this product and feel the excotic taste.
We are konsen for food industry. The main product our industry is salak jam ( selai salak) .
High 50 cm Wide 60 High 40 cm Wide 45 High 25 cm Wide 35
Seluna Handycraft is a company in the field of handicrafts, Terracotta, Ceramics, Terazzo. Export production with high quality, creative, innovative, classic & modern.
try our best produck from HOKI JAYA PEKING INDONESIA , peking duck frozen contact : icha uchi_ michiko@ hokijayapeking_ yk@
more info see : Spoorindo Tour and Travel Indonesia: Asia s Most Exciting Destination Yogyakarta was center of Mataram both Hindhu and Islam had been played important role in....
Spoorindo Tour and Travel Indonesia: Asia s Most Exciting Destination Yogyakarta was center of Mataram both Hindhu and Islam had been played important role in supporting and encouraging....
Our service for clients, we make unique brand name, create your brand awareness system to blow up your income with our metamathgics methode.
JAM - Janabadra Media Production is a well based organization under Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Janabadra Yogyakarta Indonesia.We have some professional consultans in market, media and finance. We also....
this product made from root that named " AKAR WANGI"
Specifications: 1. Wing area : 17.4dm ; 2. Wing span : 870mm; 3. Length : 528mm; 4. Propeller : 9070; 5. Motor : 370s; 6. Battery : 9.6V NI-MH 650mAh 7. Servo : Digital servos; 8. Speed controller : ....
Fresh and only Fresh...More Fresh Stays Healthy......
It is all about freshness.....fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh eggs....and other dairy products If you would like to place your orders/ inquire via e-mail, please write to: mcf19owner@ gmail....
We are offering you jacket sport, shirt sport, shirt, hat, school uniform and other sport apparels.
JJ7 Production is one of Sports Clothes and Clothing producer including; - Sport T-shirt - Uniform shirt - Jacket - Training Pack - Hat - Handbag etc. Domestic and overseas buyers are welcome.
VCO ANTI DIABET with bio-active substances and lauric acid around 50% is the right nutrition for health pancreas, where the islands of Langerhans produce insulin and adrenalin. These hormones manage....
We produce or VCO Virgin Coconut Oil since 2004, with the brand are among others: Laura VCO Coco VCO Miracle have proved useful, which is able to prevent and treat diabetes ( diabetes melitus) type....
membuat interior sesuai pesanan/ custom design, baik mebel maupun elemen interior, yang diaplikasikan pada rumah tinggal, bangunan komersial, dan lainnya.
Saluang interior costumize your style, Good product quality, competitive prices, good after sales services our profesional service : 3d computer rendering, furniture space planing, consultation .... ....
tawon kidsroom konsep tempat tidur anak yang nyaman
We are a company engaged in the trading dried cassava in Indonesia, specifically for food, cattle feed and bio-ethanol. Production capacity of 5, 000 tons per month. Contact person: phone ....
Painting Oil On CAnvas Title : About Something Size : 130cm x 180cm 2009
Our company is engaged in the provision of items such as art painting.handycraft etc.
Dragon Spear can secure the place you want, can make harmonism.
We sell very special things. At this time we offer pring pethuk, a kind of spiritual bamboo. Also served Telogosari Wood, a magical wood. It has a very special smoke when it is burnt. This wood is....