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rss RSS: Holiday Decoration - Iran
Result 1-13 of 13
Souvenir Ngayoja  Sep. 16, 2015 23:10:49

Memproduksi dan Menjual Barang-barang aneka Kerajinan khususnya khas Jogja.

[Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
karya kulit  May. 8, 2011 13:00:50

karya kulit We manufacturer leather handicrafts and natural materials, this company stands from 1980 that had not yet had a name but as time progresses and the various models we have developed....

[yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
RISKICRAFT  Dec. 19, 2011 7:17:47

prusahaan I stood in 1999, and engaged in the foundry, and create a miniature land transportation specialists or traditional means of transportation and already marginalized groups, such as making....

[yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
Master seniman patung  Jan. 6, 2013 3:59:19

Kami merupakan salah suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan seni patung yang bertempat di Yogyakarta. Yang telah berdiri sejak 1989. Telah banyak karya kami yang sudah tersebar di....

[Bantul , Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
THEMINIATUREGUITARS  May. 8, 2011 20:21:19

Welcome to we are an Indonesian handicraft manufacturer.Exporter suply high quality of many kinds of miniature music instruments like miniature guitar, drum set, piano, biola....

[yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
muara in  Oct. 1, 2009 0:02:04

models handycraft there is here, example : miniaturs, rotan, candle, kuningan, bamboo, pandan, patung, lamp, etc.there is with conecting buyer and producen handycraft

[Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
Google Talk:  indonesia.putra78  indonesia.putra78
Putra Prima Interior Funiture  Mar. 9, 2011 21:50:48

Putra Prima Interior Furniture was produced furniture with concept minimalistic and classic stuff. Our production was used material with the request for the outside market or export. so please do....

[Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]

We provide a variety of Souvenirs, souvenirs and gift a very interesting and uniq We also make yourself some exclusive souvenirs. We have long been working with our sincerity to provide....

[Jogjakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Dani Craft is a home industry located at Jogjakarta-Indonesia that produce craft, gift and souvenir at all size. The craft....

[Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
PERNAK PERNIK  Oct. 13, 2010 4:48:27

Bag Production, Handicraft Production Etc, wedding property

[Jogjakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
OLD FACE GALLERY  Aug. 8, 2010 23:33:17

Supplier of any kind t light candle holder made of wood stone onyx and else

[yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
bungaasri  Feb. 4, 2010 1:16:43

our core business is florist. we are specialist in florist. You can see our flower model in

[Yogya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
Pondok Craft Indonesia  Apr. 16, 2008 16:13:35

Pondok Craft Indonesia CRAFT and EMPOWERMENT Pondok Craft Indonesia Workshop : Jl. Parangtritis km 9 Miri Pendowoharjo Sewon Jogjakarta Indonesia Show Room : Jl. Bantul Km 9 Juron Pendowoharjo....

[Jogjakarta Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia]
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