Kami adalah industri permesinan yang bergerak di bidang mesin industri mikro dan makro.antara lain: mesin pengolah makanan, mesin pertanian, dan melayani pembuatan alat tesis mahKami adalah industri....
Mechanical Electrical Book Feed Poultry Machine Food
We are " The Leading Seed Processing in Indonesia" ( www.indoseedprocessing.com) @ Jogyakarta; Java Indonesia Telp. : + 62 274 8581555 + 6281327208000 Email : mail@ indoseedprocessing....
Serving order: Agricultural equipment, home industry, hidram pump, mikrohidro electrics, solar energy electrics, windmill, biogas installation, kanopi, glasshouse with polycarbonat, etc
Produced Machine processing for food, feed, agroindustry, fishering, etc
We are industrial work in design& fabrication agriculture machine scope, installation, instrumentation and also to help sell your the products. Several Plant has we build, they are Rafined Sugar Plant....