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Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana

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Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana
Jogja Coconut Center - Repindo Amengku Bawana
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Djoko H [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  jhardoyo@gmail.com  jhardoyo@gmail.com
Y!: jhardoyo@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Djoko H at Jogja
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Djoko H at Jogja
Address:Jl. Sidat no 001 Nitikan UH VI - 296 A
Jogja 55162, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 9, 2012
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Health & Beauty category

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Company Brief

Activity since we already have an 80-year under Imam Nurhidayat, where many farmers to concentrate with coconut trees that they wasted and logging for building materials. Why so? Because coconut oil is not in demand, contain colesterol evil. That' s negative campaign that cause damage in the rural economy. We struggle to convince them that in a moment later, the world will speak another. And now the coconut oil have very good price.

Center activities we have in Nitikan Jl. Sidat No. 001 Umbulharjo Yogyakarta 55162, just have legal on 18 June 2008 by notary ( notaris) Dananjoyo Aryo Sanyoto SH.

Our activities, especially the farmers participate in constructing and controlling the coconut production VCO according to its rules which must be HACCP ( Hazard Analyisis and Critical Control Point) of a standard production rules under the department of health. As hilirnya, we try to distribute the results to the market.

Apparently exploded, and so many follower immerge. And make the price of oil and its VCO is highest price of food oil, the level of welfare in the village increased. Because of the coconut farmers become prosperous.

Overview of the VCO that we distribute to the market with the brand Laura Virgin Coconut Oil, is made from fresh coconut without the option of heating processed, without chemicals, without fermentation. About the benefits :

Able to treat HIV / AIDS ( this according to our reference, Bruce Fife in his book The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil) .

The content of lauric acid reach 48-520% ( water content below 0.5% ) good flavor and taste and not rancid, has been very useful :
- Prevent viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic, and
- Build the body' s immune system such as breastfeeding ( breast milk also contains acid laurat) .
- Create a well-preserved and anti aging, passionate life
- Restore stamina sex organ
- In addition able to prevent HIV / AIDS, and Hepatitis C, acute laryngitis, or SARS - ISPA, Herpes Simplex Virus, Influenza, and various pathogenic bacteria including colic due to helicobacter pylory, Listeria monocytogenes
- Able to treat coronary heart, hypertension, diabetes melitus
- Treat cancer prostat
- Prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density
- Prevent artherioschlerosis
- Optimize the tyroid gland
- Normalized cholesterol
- Your family can consume as supplement : the baby - children - adults - pregnant women - mothers breastfeeding - the parents, so make the body fresh, healthy, far from all the disease and minimize the cost of treatment ( the doctor) .
- In addition, wart, cyst parent having a speech impediment, benjolan in the breast, hemorrhoids, will be lost.
- Treat scabies, ringworm, panu, scaly skin.
- Tighten the skin. Eliminate body odor, overcoming obesity.

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