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    Rp 30.000
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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
    Pack. & Delivery:
    1 LITER

    Specification :

    Kefir is only Rp 30, 000 a liter

    Please contact
    0815 6666 050 / 0813 279 3636 7
    0274 740 7566 / 0819 31 787 358
    email jhardoyo@ gmail.com
    Kefir Jogja Family
    http: / / jogjakefir.blogspot.com

    YOGURT is similar YOGURT made from milk which fermented with the grain from Caucasians. Have a tremendous benefit ie. able to cure diabetes

    Here are TESTIMONIES in pick of notes posting in GROUP of FACEBOOK, both from WALLS, IMAGE, and from DOCS ( please d / h sends his testimony to a wall here or my inbox, tks) ... and put together into a CLIPPING ... Kefir Jogja Family, please follow:

    Diabetes Melitus Illness

    Andang Kasriadi
    Come at 8: 30 am with a sense of thirst is great enough, Mrs. Ihat which is helping operational Houses Kefir, immediately drink Kefir Bening, until they run out of more than a glass. Suspiciously, I measure the sugar: 547. ... Gosh, whereas two days ago after eating rate " only" 296. But because a lot of work, continue working until the afternoon. Before lunch drink a glass of Kefir Bening, and before the Asr, as well as glass again. Before going home, at 16.00, again measured: 229. Down 318 points. Fresh body condition and work without fatigue. After 10 days helping Houses Kefir, his health seemed thrive. Caused by diabetes mellitus, had difficulty moving his left hand, so wear bajupun have assisted her husband. Within a week the condition of his left hand was nearly normal. It seems that psychological factors also play a major role on blood sugar levels, because the night and morning before leaving for work, there is a problem that consume your thoughts and feelings ....
    One more witness ... Hopefully a complete recovery in 3 months ...... Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    Notes: New 1 first edited, besok2 longer be edited, added starting from the latest date, s / d at the start date of the earliest activities of our KKI ... Please be patient ...

    Andang Kasriadi
    But the more " spectacular" is Pa and Mr. Toto Sentousa Hajar ( Mathematics teacher at Pangkalpinang / Pacific) . Toto Pa had reached 749 TGD after meals, and never taking medication at all. Now TGD fast around 140, and TGD 2 hours about 200. But the condition is fit. He makes his own Kefir.

    Mr. Hagar 8 years of insulin injections. After 1, 5 years of consuming Kefir ( make your own in the Pacific) , since March 2011 free of insulin injections, and yl in July had a long talk in the House of Kefir Bandung, healthy, fit without dependence on insulin or Kefir ( been 3 days without drinking kefir, and stay healthy) . If needed, the HP of this beliau2 can I send them ( via inbox) , if necessary, checks and re-check.
    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    Note: TGD abbreviation of Total Blood Sugar

    Ma Pahlevie To my family, sdh kefir into a day2 replacement drink milk production sy sendiri.Namun jd forced my sister to diabetics who, like a god kefir penolong.setiap 3 times a day he was injecting insulin alone, since drinking kefir tp 1, 5 th yll he is free dr needle suntik.Trm ksh for Dee Qikan and pack powered torch who introduced the kefir is Friday, November 25, 2011

    Euis Sri Rahmawati Gak believe but true .... within 2 weeks of 2 kg weight loss, without dieting. I ate as usual, snacking as usual, only in this habit inserted a new habit. namely waking and bedtime drink 150 ml of kefir nodes, noon or after lunch drinks 200 ml. now I never constipated again, and began to leave the drinking turmeric extract in the morning ( since complicated cute, whereas if it stayed glek kefir ...) . thanks for the pinisepuh kefir ...
    Thursday, December 8th, 2011 at 3: 42pm

    Andang Kasriadi Mother @ Ihat ( 55 th) which is now helping more in Home Kefir Bandung, in addition to 3 years of diabetes, as well as knee pain. The results of X-rays showed no bony bump on the knee joints, making it very disturbing and sick. The doctor gave painkillers, and whether any medication anymore, and prohibit to move around, especially up and down stairs. If the recitation event at the mosque, limped, and had to sit selonjoran ( can not " emok" / Sunda) . Berdiripun should be assisted. After a routine about a month eating Kefir Bening, in addition to blood sugar fairly stable, fit, and able to ride the bridge crossing at Cimindi without pain.

    Kefir seems to need socialization to the doctors so ....? But ..., what they want? Hegemonitas medical doctors is very difficult to penetrate Solasa December 13, 2011 at 6: 37

    Heri Prayogo
    Breaking News
    Our name ( pseudonym) female, age 51 years, domicile. Malang in East Java, since a year ago with cancer in his back, hypertension, insomnia ( , insomnia) krn nightly incredible pain ( throbbing pain in head) , thin body, since the end of August 2011, he drank two glasses of kefir a day, now shrink the cancer. sleep easy, normal blood pressure, pain disappear, weight gain, all the above Permit Almighty God, his body mnyegar, healthy air dah activities as usual, really huge benefit kefirsusu, Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah
    Thursday morning if ga one December 15, 2011

    Andang Kasriadi Why I' ve written too long, really lost it ... ? One of the neighbors ( in 1987) who suffered from leukemia ( blood cancer) , recovered after 3 years of regularly eating Kefir, and about colon cancer who want surgery and 2 months earlier by drinking Kefir physical preparation, then the tumor is shrinking and void operation ( 2005/ 2006 ) .
    Thursday afternoon December 15, 2011

    Eulis Ratnasari eight epidemic ago, my mother' s wounded leg, because the effects of diabetes, the wound was getting spread and fester. doctors say should dioprasi, even he probably had to be amputated. My mother refused, the doctor told me rudely, that the wound was not fully recovered BE WITHIN TWO YEARS, and then can information about kefir nodes from Semarang, and in just TWO WEEKS, foot wound was dry, flaking without a trace. doctors and nurses at the hospital tremendous shock because my mother could recover with a very fast time. can even perform the pilgrimage with a fit body every few weeks later. now she looks fuller and healthier body, although hurt recovers quickly. mind and body healthy despite already old. happy I ................... my effort was not in vain
    Monday, January 2, 2012

    Tanto Ki Ap
    Eulis neng Ratnasari, I have experience of many doctors to amputate the foot frustrate patients who had stage gengren, to breast cancer, I' ll kumpulin data orgnya permission to upload this room Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    Tanto Ki Ap
    Idioms of literature mandarin. Kefir studies at Sun Yat-Shen University Taipei Polysaccharides Beta-D content was well above the mushroom Lynce who conceived a mainstay of cancer fighting cancer klinik2 on traditional medicine in China
    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    Quoted from the records in Group Facebook Community Kefir Indonesia

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