Best Selling Wood areng particularly suitable for food stalls, satay, angkringan, restaurant specialist burns, the products are safe, lawful, durable. Price per 130 thousand IDR / sak, free postage....
Consulting firms geological exploration, mining, environment, topography, hydrology, drilling, UKL & UPL, IUP Amdal / Factory Amdal, due dilligent, etc.
we are tour operator based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. we provide taxi service to all customer to tourist destination in Java island. Visit main tourist dstination as : borobudur temple, mt. bromo, ....
Markumi Grafika adalah Perusahaan penerbit dan percetakan yang sedang berkembang di kota pelajar Yogyakarta. Berdiri pada awal pergantian tahun tepatnya pada tanggal 1 Muharram 1431 H dan kebetulan....
We are a branding company that serves Logo design with a strong concept, design elegant and professional
CREAM swallow PACKAGE 15GR per package ( use 1 month) PACKAGE 30 grams per package ( 3 months usage) Consists of: - Night Cream - Day Cream - Cream Anti Allergy - Liquid Soap - Wallet....
sorry my cellphone was lost at march 2012 please contact me again, especially for new Zealand gentleman and surrbaya gentleman
distributor of An-Nakhla tobacco shisha / shisa / shesa / hookah indonesia.
Welcom to safira one shop, Happy shoping....thank you
Our company is One Manufacture and Suplier of Furniture, Handicraft and home Decoration.
Batik Clothes with Favourite Football Teams logo Motive, such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, AC Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester City, Inter Milan, etc
we are online store which sell batik clothes " an indonesian traditional clothes" You can visit our Facebook account toko batik handayani to see our newest batik collection http: / / id-id....
box to save your watches Collections. material: duplex ( thick cardboard) , vinyl ( imitation leather) , glass. Color choices: black, brown, cream, white, pink, red, green, light blue, navy....
We offer a system of partnership to all circles, both for the public and the travel agent in a business concept that is easy, simple and inexpensive. But of course with outstanding product quality....
SURYA PRIMATour & Travel Jl. Wates Km 5. Central Market No. Ambarketawang. 7 SLEMAN - YOGYAKARTA Tel. 0274 8222181, 0274 617292 ( Hunting) , 0274 626 107, Fax: 0274 6496466 HP. 081328674378, ....
Price : US$ 18.00 / roll Packing : 50pcs/ roll and plastic wrapped Color : Black
Welcome to Jogya Ethnic Crafts We are craftsmen community from small village in Bantul, Jogyakarta, Indonesia. We would like offer our Handmade Bracelet products for accessories and made from string....
sale public health suplement, equipment fitnes , sports equipment
FEATURES Simplification - Built-in services for customized platform � � Basic hybrid ports consisting of 12 extensions and 4 AA ( or IP) lines � � SIP/ IP capacity implemented for trunk and extension....