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Mr. Totok Maryadi, Drs, MT [Marketing]


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Jl Pura 189 Sorowajan
Yogyakarta 55198, Yogyakarta

Kantor Pusat : Jl Pungkur 115 B Bandung 40251, Telpon kontak: + 62-22-4262235- 4262253, HP + 62-81572527115-811208648
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Pupuk Kompos [ Organic Compost ] Green Phoskko® ( GP-3)
PriceRp 9.500,- ( Per Pack 5 Kg), Min Order 1 ton~ 200 Kantong
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodCashier Order
QuantityPer 5 kg/ Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPlastik PE 0,8 mm
Green Phoskko ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost ( 5 kg ) is the first quality compost with the content such as: NPK < 1.5% , C / N ratio 50 ppm combined with bacterial additive binding of N and P in amounts sufficient for solving the interests of colloidal bonding with other chemical nutrients in the soil. Form / appearance of products together with the Green Phoskko B , typically used for lawn or landscape plants , vegetable plants , food crops , or plantation crops . _______________________________________________Phoskko Green ® Compost have their uses , among others, as follows : Improving soil physical properties , such as structure , water binding capacity and soil porosity Enrich the soil , both macro and micro Improve soil fertility by adding nutrients plants. Protect against damage due to soil erosion. ______________________________________________________Phoskko Green ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost is a natural organic fertilizer so that its use is very familiar with the environment . Beneficial in improving soil structure argillaceous become lighter , enlarging the power tie sandy soil so that no loose soil , improve drainage and good air in the soil so that the occurrence of oxygen flowing through soil pores , the soil will enhance the bonding power nutrient, provides good food for the microbes to plants , decrease the activity of microbial pathogens and increase the water binding capacity of soil is characterized by loose and does not harden. ______________________________________The use of dose in general: _________________________________________________1 . 2 6 tons of food plants / ha or 0.05 0.1 kg / plant 2 . Plant seeds and tubers 1.5 2.0 tons / ha 3 . Fruits and plantation crops 2.0 4.0 kg / phn / yr 4 . Vegetables 2.0 6.0 tons / ha 5 . 15 grams of flowers / plants 6 . 1.0 shrimp 2.0 tonnes / ha 7 . Forest crops 2 5 kg / phn / yr
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