handicrafts from coconut shells are beautifully designed with shades of returning to nature and flavor drinks ato dishes of coconut shell will be different because it did not use chemicals or paint....
didirikan sudah 2 tahun berjalan, oleh seorang mahasiswa d3 ekonomika dan bisnis ugm yogyakarta. dalam hal untuk mengembangkan dan berinovasi produk berupa kerajinan. selain itu meningkatkan mutu....
We sell handicrafts from coconut shells Hand made of coconut shell-finishing-good Good quality, in terms of not finishing in the paint that is safe for consumption in the long term ( safe for food....
produk kami ganci fiber @ 1500, ganci wayang kulit @ 1750, ganci batok skateboard @ 2000 kualitas insyaallah tdk mengecewakan pelanggan mbk, krn kta utamakan kualitas, kepuasan pelanggan sangat....
gantungan kunci souvenir pernikahan dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas terbaik. terdapat gantungan kunci fiber model ikan, lumba-klumba, kupu-kupu, sandal dll pemesanan 08562645265
Clock Sport Watch Image man or woman > Stainless Steel > Water resistant > 12/ 24 time format > The day, week, month > Display with LED lights > Accurate to 1 / 100 per second + Exclusive....
We sell a wide range of coconut shell crafts including regular round ashtray with design and ashtray with duck design Unique and classic message is now also available special discounts for....
bags made of coconut shell jogja-hand made-good-finishing coconut shells with good quality. neat and strong. min order 10pcs, 10pcs are not included below wholesale prices prices start from 12 000....
knitted and woven leather bags, beautiful when worn by your materials from nature so impressed exotic Order now .. email: zahra_ die@ yahoo.com