Provide tools sports soccer and futsal, futsal shoes , shoes, socks, skin dekker. jersey. location in Yogyakarta to be precise Gambirah UH V No. 294, Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. We also serve a large....
Company name : yogyapropety Line of .... Jl. AM Sangaji Petinggen II/ 1247 Karangwaru TR, Yogyakarta Phone Numbers : 0274 692 49 39 E-mail Address : yogyaproperty@ ....
We provide a range of ladies accessories like .... collections .. SHOWROOM Jl. Timuran MG III/ No. 83 Yogyakarta � � � INDONESIA Showroom Tel: + 62-( 0) 274-374076 untuk harga Detail produk....
SeRatu' s Fashion Accessories Boutique. SeRatu� � � s Fashion Accessories Boutique selects materials with unique details, as a main concept in each creation of it� � � s exquisite accessories, such as....
Dear Smart Parents, As we care on children' s .... Program Committee Child Health for Parents ( PESAT) Yogyakarta, under the guidance of dr. Purnamawati, Spak, MMPed, ( Supported by the....
Breast Feeding Supporting Group and Smart parenting Community in Yogyakarta
We are Manufacturer of many kinds of miniature .... Parangtritis Km.7 Perumahan Alam Citra Blok D-6 Yogyakarta, INDONESIA Moblie: + 62-81392591760....
Welcome to we are an .... Guitar online shop THEMINIATUREGUITARS Eva Marlinda Yogyakarta Moblie: + 62-8175428311/ + 62-81392591760 Phone : + 62-274-2133402 website: ....
Melayani : Pembuatan/ pemesanan Aneka Macam TAS .... Jetis VII, RT.05/ 15, Sidoagung, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta No. Telp : 0274-6534783/ 0813 9203 1665/ 0878 3869 8583/ 0856 4393 1124....
Advertising, Publishing Digital Printing, Wedding Card and leaflet
Light decorated/ wall light/ wall light of bamboo was made from Bamboo, where bamboo often grew in the Indonesian country, with the typical Indonesian touch could become the good thing as the....
JMC ( Java Modern Clothing) is an enterprise .... the wishes of the buyer self. JMC is located in Yogyakarta, precisely on Jl. Kaliurang Km 5, Karanggayam CT.8 No.126 Depok, Sleman. Type of....
Lukisan Prasasti Buku Tamu Pernikahan Eksklusif
Intranet Network Online Intranet is a system .... such as: your pnya branch offices in Semarang and Yogyakarta your head office in Jakarta with the Intranet database your program can be centralized....
Application Solutions is a company that is engaged in manufacturing information systems to support team mengusai in their respective fields and focus on software development and configuration of....
in Yogyakarta his tlamp is mainly installed in the carriage horses, but many are installed in homes, cafes, hotels, bike, etc. for decoration
We produce handicraft made of cast brass and .... traditional means of transportation in the city of Yogyakarta. In addition to accessories in the carriage many also use it for decoration or other....
Selling miniature bicycle, antique bicycles, bicycle China, Pedicab Yogyakarta. Harley Davidson Miniature, Miniature Andong, Bicycle fixy, Ancient Bicycles
Jogja Lobster Farm location in Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta. Indonesia
One of Lobster Farm' s at a place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Opened " Kedai Kandang Kambing" , enjoy the sensation of fresh goat' s milk processed directly from the farm. Alternative culinary tourism in Yogyakarta, located in the area Merapi Mountain ( south....
We are " Suka As-Shifa" Dairy Farm, located in the hamlet Wonokerso, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta ( south of Merapi Museum) . The resulting product: Fresh Goat Milk ( Raw and....
this woodden statue was build and created by artist who graduated from ASRI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. size : length 120 cm width 23 cm
Our company have antique, handycraft, painting, meubel old and repro and we also serve the Keris or javanese sword