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Mimi Modiste
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MimiModiste is a seamstress, dressmaker, fashion designer especially kebaya and party dresses. we provide, working, and serving orders various models of kebaya, such as wedding dresses, wedding party kebaya, graduation kebaya, muslimah kebaya, bridal, suits, beskap, costume artist etc..
you can order a variety of kebaya, from simple or the full of intricate detail, both classical or modern style, up to a combination such as with a long-tailed with various applications such as embroidery, a sprinkling of sequins and swarovski stones or crystal stone and so forth. whatever body posture of you, we can design kebaya is best for you, or you want to model kebaya such as photographs or images of kebaya provided by you or that you see in magazines? we can duplicate and create up to almost exactly for you, You can bring your kebaya raw material or ask us to look for and find it, everything is a for you.

we are experts in creating party dresses and a variety of kebaya. we do it with heart. hearts are filled with the soul of feminity, because designing and creating fashion is our hobby and talent. you can ask us to make a party dress, exactly as the picture above exclusively for you, according to size and posture of your body, you can also ask us to make a party dress, costume, and kebaya for various purposes, according to the model you desire, or as similar as possible the picture you show me, or we will design the as close as possible to you that we can be as you imagine.

we will help you so that you perform maximal and looks increasingly more beautiful by wearing fashion we create or that you order it, whoever you are? are you are not concerned with any costs necessary for a dress or kebaya that you desire, or you are not free in financy so problematic with limited cost, please contact us! Your satisfaction is our destination and our mission.

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