Qian Lie Xian Feng OBAT PROSTAT & SALURAN KENCING KOREA Obat kesehatan obat prostat prostat sakit prostat gangguan saluran kencing mengatasi prostat DIJAMIN ASLI beli 2 gratis 1 Minat Hub. 081229777842 Pin BBM: 23C16080[Nov. 7, 2015 2:58:03]
Urethral Prostate Drugs and Herbs , Medicinal And Urethral Prostate , Can relaxes smooth muscle , Relaxation , Complaints frequent urination , especially at night , Arc of urine usually gets weaker and even dripping urination becomes incomplete , Limp , back pain bottom and pubic area , fever , frequent urination , urinary disjointed , and pain during urination , drug , healthcare , healthy , drug prostate , prostate , urinary tract disorders
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Previously the price of Rp . 250.000 , -
Now the price of Rp . 195.000 , -
Buy 1 Package Price Rp 195, 000 , -
Buy 3 Packs Price Rp 390.000 , - ( @ Rp 130.000 , - )
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" Self quake 1 Drinking DIRECT recover "
Urethral Prostate Drugs and Herbs is intended to relax the smooth muscle in the prostate area until relaxation occurs and urine can flow smoothly . Overcoming all the complaints that it causes as :
Complaints of frequent urination , especially at night .
Jets of urine usually gets weaker and even dripping urination becomes incomplete .
Limp .
Lower back pain and pubic area .
Fever .
Frequent urination .
Urinary disjointed .
And pain during urination .
To reduce the after-dinner drink .
Avoid decongestant ( on cold medicines ) .
And reduce drinking coffee or alcohol .
package contents 380 mg x 60 capsules .
The prostate , located below the bladder , is a walnut sized gland that produces seminal fluid . Because the gland surrounds the urethra which flows bladder , prostate disorders often affect urination .
Inflammatory infection called prostatitis ;
Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) , a non - cancerous enlargement of the prostate common , and
Cancer , malignancy men most often .
Prostate disorders associated with age -related changes in sex steroid hormones . After age 40 , the decline in testosterone , and testosterone variant called dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) and female - associated hormone estrogen increase. DHT stimulates cell growth and , in turn , prostate enlargement . By inhibiting DHT elimination , estrogen has the same effect .
Prostate dysfunction has been called a nutritional disease is much more common in developed Western countries that emphasize animal -derived foods , such as red meat , dairy products , and eggs , all foods that tend to accumulate environmental toxins . In contrast , fruit - and vegetable - rich diets provide a protective effect .
Scientific studies are challenging some entrenched views on what we have traditionally been regarded as a healthy food nutrition . For example , growing evidence suggests that milk may be bad for the prostate . Overall, the countries that consume the most dairy have the highest incidence of prostate cancer . The culprit seems s calcium dairy sources of calcium overload , regardless of , seems to suppress the synthesis of a form of vitamin D that inhibits prostate cancer .
Conversely , men who consume tomatoes , tomato -based foods ( eg , tomato sauce , pasta , etc ) , guava , watermelon , and grapefruit are reportedly less likely to get prostate cancer . These foods contain powerful antioxidant agent called lycopene . Giving their characteristic red color . Available as a nutritional supplement , lycopene not only prevent prostate cancer but also can reduce the size of existing tumors .
Some trace nutrients that are often deficient in our diets also promote prostate health . For example , zinc deficiency primarily affects the prostate gland because it uses far more than any other body part . By altering steroid hormone metabolism , zinc supplementation can reduce prostate enlargement . Interestingly , pumpkin seeds , traditional folk medicine and promoting male reproductive health of the prostate , is rich in zinc .
Other nutritional factors that may inhibit prostate cancer include vitamin D , vitamin E , an antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer ; soy -based foods containing genistein inhibits cancer , and garlic , which has - fighting , sulfur -containing compounds cancer .
DRUG prostate and urinary HERBAL :
In Europe , A Native American traditional medicines , see Medication Herbal Prostate And Urethral Korean reduce prostate enlargement by inhibiting the synthesis of growth stimulating and promoting elimination of DHT DHT by lowering estrogen levels . Many clinical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of saw Medicinal Herbs Prostate And Urethral Korea . In fact , the herb works better in treating prostate enlargement than the frequently prescribed drugs . Specifically, look Medicinal Herbs Prostate Urethral Korean And it proved to be effective in almost 90 % of patients , while the chemical Prostate Drugs work in less than half of the patients after one years . And because the drug is less effective , much more expensive , and the main side effect is erectile dysfunction .