Viewed from the experience of recent years, .... productivity and quality results are satisfactory. User perception of practical and easy to fertilizing with manure Gramalet� � , making our motto " ....
Our company PT Harrisma Buwana Jaya as one of the biggest computer retailer and distributor in Jogjakarta , Indonesia. we sell most famous brands of computer, from A to Z, and we provide and supply....
Merupakan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat ( Rural Bank) di Yogyakarta, telah berdiri sejak tahun 1993 dan diambil alih oleh SAUDARA GRUP thn 1996 yg saat ini telah tumbuh menjadi BPR dgn asset sebesar + -....
All Bamboo has been treated accoding the best .... all model and sizes to the wish of each custumer. PT.Indobamboe provides to his custumers a wide range of services adjusted to the requirements of....
We Offer Precious Metals in large and small parties, with a minimum purchase of 10kg
PT. Astra International Tbk. - Daihatsu Jl.Solo km. 8, 1 Yogyakarta CP : J A Y A 0 2 7 4 - 8 3 7 8 7 9 0 0 8 1 3 5 2 8 6 6 4 4 6 Pin BB : 2278F433 PT Astra International Tbk - Daihatsu Cab.....
SURYA PRIMATour & Travel Jl. Wates Km 5. Central Market No. Ambarketawang. 7 SLEMAN - YOGYAKARTA Tel. 0274 8222181, 0274 617292 ( Hunting) , 0274 626 107, Fax: 0274 6496466 HP. 081328674378, ....
Our company, PT. Yogya Indo Global at Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is furniture and handicraft manufacturer established more than 18 years ago. We have been many years supplying furniture and handicraft to....
First of all, PT. ACEyogya would like to say � � � thousand thanks� � � for the opportunity being given for introduce our company� � � s profile of new division � � � INDUSTRIAL GENERAL SUPPLIER� � � . PT.....
Suplaier and distributor Sugar for comsumtion home industri and industri food
PT. Dianatina Ayu Properti di bawah Diana Group adalah suatu Group perusahaan yang sangat terkenal di Bali dan Yogyakarta, dan memiliki beberapa perusahaan dari berbagai aspek industri diantaranya....
CENTRA GAMA INDOVISI, is an institution of Human Resource Development, founded by young professional workers and engaged in consultant services, training and engineering provider with SK. Page of Kep....
Our company is engaged in agriculture, especially the provision of vegetable seeds. we supply various types of hybrid vegetable seeds and excel. we ensure that we produce products according to the....
Distributor Consumer Good ( Garudafood) in Central Java
PT Astra International Tbk - Daihatsu Sales Operation ( AI-DSO) as one of the automotive sales division of PT Astra International Tbk first started business in 1973 under PT Astra International....