NK22 is the family seed corn Syngenta product. Very toleran with downy mildew and very high yield. Potential yield grain up to 11 MT/ Ha. Pls contact us. E-mail: jokopatmono@ ....
Benih tomat produksi Syngenta Seeds Indonesia, yang sangat digdaya terhadap OPT ( Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman) Hasil tinggi, Pas untuk petani yang berorientasi keuntungan.
Bisi2 is the most popular hybrid seed corn in Indonesia. We hold more than 40 % market share especially in Java Region. Tolerant with draught season and very higher yield. ....
NK33 is very famous hybrid corn seed in Indonesia, and especially in Central Java, East Java, Lampung, North Sumatera and all of Sulawesi. NK33 was produce by Syngenta in Klaten, ....
Semangka daging kuning pertama yang dikenal di pasar. Rasa manis dan fresh. Harga terjangkau kulitas jaminan Syngenta! !