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Gading Brass Art

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Gading Brass Art
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Name:Mrs. Elvina Dewi [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: elv1na 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Elvina Dewi at Yogyakarta
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Elvina Dewi at Yogyakarta
Address:jl,Patehan Kidul no.10 RT20,RW05,Patehan,Kraton
Yogyakarta 55133, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 24, 2011
Business Nature:Trade of Gifts & Crafts category

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Company Brief

We produce handicraft made of cast brass and brass plate. Currently, goods which we produce mainly used for accessories in Andong. Andong is by horse-drawn carts are still widely used as a traditional means of transportation in the city of Yogyakarta. In addition to accessories in the carriage many also use it for decoration or other accessories as needed, even today many Andong lights used to decorate homes, Andong bell which can also be used as a bell, stirrups and snaffle bit used in horse racing, etc.
We also can produce other sizes and shapes upon request.

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